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About the SSTA:

Owners, Contractors, Workers & Instructors working together to make the construction job-site a safer place to work 

About the Organization

 Being aware of safety procedures and expectations isn’t enough anymore.  Employers and employees must refocus on safety and work to be 100 percent accident-free. That’s precisely why Southwest Safety Training Alliance (SSTA) was created in 1997. The purpose of this non-profit organization is to improve safety awareness and performance on construction job-sites. SSTA is made up of manufacturing companies, general and specialized contractors, building trades/crafts organizations, educational entities, municipalities and others with a keen interest in safety. Working together, they establish, maintain and provide standardized safety training and record keeping that is crucial to businesses that must keep safety at the forefront.  According to OSHA, the responsibility for improving jobsite safety lies with employers.  In fact, where joint-employer or multi-employer sites exist and/or owner-independent contractors are present, the responsibility of managing safety belongs to owners, host employers and general contractors.

About The Training

Southwest Safety Training Alliance classes are taught by approved instructors who have been OSHA-endorsed to teach either general industry (1910) or construction industry (1926) courses.

Training can be provided in a number of ways:

a business can have  its own instructors approved to train employees
use a third-party  safety consultant who is approved to train your employees
a trade or  apprenticeship program or authorized organization may conduct the training

Following completion of the16-hour training program, SSTA issues each student a card.  This program also qualifies the individual for the OSHA 10-hour outreach-training card (issued by the authorized instructor).Participating owners (contractor users) will accept the SSTA card as meeting the minimal safety training requirements. To date, more than 40,000 students throughout the Southwest have participated in the 16-hour SSTA training course and more than 5,000 have completer the 8-hour refresher training course.

Advantage Abound

There are numerous reasons standardized training pays off. A strong training course can improve overall safety performance and reduce strain on business resources, budgets and labor support that is required to monitor workers on jobsites. In addition, standardized training taught by experienced instructors arms companies with an excellent risk management tool.  Just as important, members can feel confident knowing their greatest asset – their workforce – is properly trained to the required OSHA standards.

Surveys Say It Best

University revealed just how effective membership in SSTA is:

 80 percent of contractors find SSTA to be effective
88 percent of construction worker students improved their safety knowledge by attending SSTA classes
more than 95 percent of construction worker students say SSTA was both worthwhile and effective

To learn more about becoming an active member of SSTA, call (480) 829-0580. Join now. And reap the benefits of ongoing safety in the workplace.

 Who Our Members Are

 Being a member of Southwest Safety Training Alliance is a win-win for everyone.

Our members include:

owner companies      (organizations that use contractors)
contractors and vendors
educational entities -universities-community colleges-apprenticeship programs-other-approved instructors

The Benefits of SSTA

 SSTA provides workers with fundamental safety training as required by OSHA.  The key benefits of membership include:

      standardized training industry-wide
      training costs shared by members
      time and cost savings due to safer jobsites
      full use of existing craft facilities and trainers
      craftsperson’s receive continual upgrades
      centralized records easily obtainable for audit and review
      safety training completed before the start of the project
      notification of required refresher training
      safety test results demonstrate a student’s level of understanding
      a reduction in costs associated with Workers’ Compensation and other insurance
      avoid redundant training costs, delays and complacency

Southwest Safety Training Alliance, Inc.

125 South 52nd Street Tempe, AZ 85821

Office: 480-829-0580 Fax: 480-966-0377 –